about me



My background is in Teaching. I have taught, SEN, Primary, Secondary, Post 16 and English as a Second Language for a combination of 20 years, & I have loved it! Albeit with some lows as well as the high’s but mostly highs I am glad to say. At the age of 28 I began to study Karate, I eventually reached 2nd Dan (Black Belt), a personal great achievement after lots of hardwork, but so totally worth it. However, after back surgery I realised I could no longer teach Karate the way I used too, unfortunately. Very sad time & quite a lot to come to terms with.

Sometime later, I graduated with 200hr Teacher Training in Goa, India. Under the tuition of Yogacharya Lalit Kumar and his staff. I studied Yoga Asana, Yoga Asana Adjustments, Philosophy, Physiology, Mantra Chanting, Chakras, Anatomy, Ayurveda, Mudras, Pranayama & Meditation. I love teaching Ashtanga Mysore Yoga. I am qualified in teaching Yo-Chi, which is a combination of Yoga, Tai Chi & Seasonal Yoga for children and adults. I am also qualified to teach Yoga for Menopause, this includes perimenopause / post menopause & wellbeing workshops.

I am currently studying for my Advanced Teacher Training in Yoga (300 hr) this forthcoming November (2022).  Specialising in Trauma Yoga – Panic Attacks and Anxiety in India.  I am a qualified massage therapist in Ayurvedic Yoga Massage, Ayurveda being one of the sister science’s too yoga.

I am a mum, nan and a great nan all of which I love. Being a mum is such a special time, it goes by so quickly though, thats why when you become a nan you get to do all the things you wanted to do previously but without any of the angst or pain (mainly). Well at the ripe young age of 57 I performed a backbend (thus placed predominately on this website) ((very proud)), of which I had not been able to achieve for over 20 years!!! To boot with various back issues too. Oh, by the way, I should add here it was done under the close eye and tuition of Yogacharya Lalit, so please don’t walk away from reading this and thinking “I’ll just try that” let’s remember to be sensible here. Yoga asks us to listen to our bodies. I am a great believer though that if I can do this … Under the correct guidance.

My point is that yoga is not exclusive, it is inclusive, it really is for everyone.

As a more mature lady who began yoga later in life, my first reaction to this question is to answer with “longer quality of life”. If you have read my blog you will know my journey onto the path of yoga. I personally have become a lot stronger both mentally and physically. My flexibility has totally improved enabling my body to perform poses that I could do over 20 years ago. But yoga is a way of life, I do not want to get too heavy here and I will be going into the philosophy of yoga on another page. Yoga is not just about being able to do a headstand, perform chaturanga dandasana perfectly or to gain the ability to reach inner peace. Yoga, I believe, is a culmination of all these things. I have also found that yoga helps with my chronic pain, fatigue, weight fluctuations and asthma. Hands up if you rush home from work to do housework or the gym and always feel that constant demand to improve, leaving you with a feeling of stress and being tired out. Yoga, is like having a personal shopper on hand all the time to help out. But instead of giving style advice, giving life advice! Learning to relax, enjoy, don’t judge, nurture ourselves and to not look at the past or future but be in the ‘now’.

I am also a member of Yoga Alliance Professionals Menopause Directory


in Goa, India

Under the tuition of Yogacharya Lalit Kumar and his staff. I studied Yoga Asana, Yoga Asana Adjustments, Philosophy, Physiology, Mantra Chanting, Chakras, Anatomy, Ayurveda, Mudras, Pranayama and Meditation. I love teaching Ashtanga Mysore Yoga. I am qualified in teaching Yo-Chi, which is a combination of Yoga, Tai Chi and Seasonal Yoga for children and adults. I am also a member of Yoga Alliance Professionals and in the Menopause Yoga Directory. I am currently studying for my Advanced Teacher Training in Yoga (300 hr) this forthcoming November (2022). Specialising in Trauma Yoga – Panic Attacks and Anxiety in India. I am a qualified massage therapist in Ayurvedic Yoga Massage, Ayurveda being one of the sister science’s too yoga.


all of which I love

At the ripe young age of 57 I performed a backbend which I had not been able to achieve for over 20 years, this is the miracle of yoga. Yes, if I can do it, you can too. Yoga really is for everyone, so why not give it a try?

All Ages

All Abilities

All Welcome


with Trish

Trish Oldham


Trish’s lessons are fab she is always so kind, generous and patient. Her lessons have been amazing for my self confidence too I have never been very confident with exercise but it has really helped me to start giving things a go. Her lessons are very accessible. Trish always makes sure you always have the option of a modification if you find something difficult or a challenge for when you want to stretch yourself. All round a brilliant teacher.

Anonymous, 31 / 07 / 2020

Trish’s lessons have brought pockets of peace to a very turbulent time. I feel like I have developed a deeper understanding of yoga as she always explains the benefits of each pose, which is something I haven’t experienced from yoga teachers previously, at least not as consistently as Trish does or in as much detail. Trish is also very aware of ensuring that you can participate, whatever your ability. She makes sure to tell you how to go further into a pose if you want to and how to alter it to allow for any injuries you may have.

Anonymous, 11 / 07 / 2020

I am new to yoga, and have been attending weekly classes for about 7 weeks, where Trish is supportive and inclusive attending to our various needs and support. I have just attended her restorative tetreat oh my goodness it was fantastic. Trish was an absolote star, her instructions and help with the stretching was amazing and she ensured we were comfortable and warm. I honestly have never felt so relaxed and chilled. My body is already feeling the benefits from yoga after a very short time so looking forward to what i might achieve in the future.

Joanne Jones, 21/07/2021

Hi my name is tracey and I have recently started yoga classes with Patricia. To be honest I was a little reluctant at the beginning not knowing if this was going to be my sort of thing especially being of menopausal age, but WOW I love it. Im not ashamed to admit I suffer from bi polar and most days face depression. Her sessions are challenging hard work informative but most of all rewarding and fun. Yoga with Tricia has proven to be a massive success for my health and mental wellbeing. Her encouragement and desire for her pupils to succeed is a credit to her, always ready with advice and support and a passion that is inspirational. In yoga i never feel as if i have failed her focus and praise is always on what I have achieved. I have learnt from Tricia that in yoga you never fail you just grow. Thank you tracey

Tracey, 15 / 06 / 2020

Trish is much more than just a wonderful yoga teacher, she is a calming influence who has helped even my busy mind to take a break. She’s helped my yoga develop through a period on lockdown, showing me many variations to my Asana’s. She keeps lessons interesting and fun so you always feel like you are learning something new. Her bright and bubbly personality shines through and I can’t wait for my next lesson.

Tracey, 12 / 06 / 2020

A morning with Trish is about as restoritive as it gets. The session was thoughtfully delivered, clearly explained, unrushed & very comfortable. Trish was so knowledgable and calm & nothing was too much trouble – I went straight home & snoozed on & off for the rest of the afternoon. If anyonr is reading this and is unsure whether a retreat is for them, GO! I’m a naturally busy person – ro relax & stretch & learn how to just ‘be’ to this level is a strong thing…..

Anita, 25/07/2021


What is holding you back?

Use your free first session to test it out for yourself! If you book now for the month you can get 10% off. Remember yoga is for everyone, anyone can join. Start from where you are now, relax, breath and enjoy!