First Yoga Session?

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It can be quite daunting walking into any kind of fitness studio for the first time and not knowing what to expect.

Usually in a yoga studio you will see yoga mats already laid upon the floor. Some people can be quite precious of where they practise every week, so it may be a good idea to just ask if the mat you go to is free. If you have a mat, you can always put yours on top of the mat laid out or use the one already provided.

Take a bottle of water with you. Some studios prefer you to leave all your belongings outside of the studio and usually there are places to do so.

There are quite a few different forms of yoga, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Hatha to name a few, so do a bit of research first to help you decide which one is for you.

Arrive at least 10 minutes beforehand to help you set up. The instructor may suggest grabbing equipment (blocks, straps) to put beside your mat.

Wear comfy clothing and remove your socks unless you are wearing socks with the grip’s underneath.

Inform the Instructor if you have any injuries so they can alter any asana’s (poses) for that injury.

Yoga is to be enjoyed not endured so if you begin to feel pain at any time, change your position to suit, breathe into your body. As you progress you will learn to connect with your breath.