Human Kindness

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During lockdown I taught yoga to family and close friends online, this was for fun and to help keep me sane to be honest. This one act of kindness though, became repaid to me 100-fold. One of my friends (Adriana) asked if she could use my yoga to help build a portfolio that she and Monica were producing to promote their new business in Branding and Marketing.

Of course, my answer was “yes”, and I was so pleased to be asked. Wow, I cannot believe all that they have done for me. Updating my logo, to letterheads, digital flyers, social media, typography and I even got music developed specifically for Patala Flow Yoga, again Wow! They have both given me so much support and thier professionalism has been outstanding. All this happened because of yoga. This is an example of ‘yoga off the mat’, human kindness. Have you ever experienced something like this? How did it affect you?

Yoga is about so much more than stretching and performing poses. To me it really is a way of life. What do I mean by that? Well, I would have to go into something called ‘The Eight Limbs of Yoga’, but that will be another article soon. How I experience yoga off the mat, is by becoming more mindful of my surroundings, really looking at things from a different perspective. Trying to be grateful and appreciative of what I have. Listen more and be as supportive as I can. I try. Wouldn’t it be great if we all just, tried?