What was I going to say?

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Do you ever have a mental block? You cannot remember anything, or you cannot grab the right word? This happens to me a lot. I am reliably told that stress can indicate how much this happens. How do you cope when this happens?

I must put a lot of strategies into place, during my yoga classes I make sure I have everything on my laptop so I can refer to it just in case. I write a lot of things down, whilst I think of them and later transfer it, if needs be to my laptop. Sometimes I can get quite anxious when I cannot recall the things I wanted to say.

I have found that yoga has helped me immensely with this problem. I have learnt to listen to my body. Why am I feeling stressed? What is happening to make me feel so anxious? How is my body feeling, where is the tension?  It is so effective! Why don’t you take a few minutes out of your schedule?

Allow yourself to listen to your body: how are you feeling? Are you hunching your shoulders?

Connect with your breath: is your breath fast paced? Where is your breath coming from? The chest or the stomach?

Become present to where you are now: clearing the mind and allowing yourself to settle.

Slowly inhale and exhale after a few breaths, then try to extend the out breath. If you wish you may find it easier to count during inhalation or exhaling.

Are you willing to have a go?